Koha Upgrades
Fall 2021 OPAC & Public Services Upgrades
[23420] Add “SuggestionsUnwantedFields” to hide fields from the suggestions form
This enhancement allows a library to configure the visibility of the input fields on the OPAC suggestion form.
New system preference: OPACSuggestionUnwantedFields
Removed system preference: AllowPurchaseSuggestionBranchChoice
[8732] Add a system preference to allow users to choose to display an icon based on the Koha bibliographic level itemtype
These patches add a new syspref: BiblioItemtypeInfo
If enabled, the icons for the record itemtype (942c) will be displayed on the record detail and search result pages in both the OPAC and staff interface
[20936] Holds history for patrons in OPAC
Sponsored by Northeast Kansas Library System (NEKLS) - what a wonderful enhancement! See the Monday Minutes here!
[23797] Convert OpacLoginInstructions system preference to news block
As we have seen in the last few releases, many of the information blocks are being moved from System Preferences to News for easier use, and this is one more
[26718] Change "Your reading history” to “Your checkout history”
This changes “reading history” to “checkout history” in the staff interface and OPAC as libraries are not only lending reading materials but a lot of different media.
[18989] Allow displaying biblios with all items hidden by OpacHiddenItems
Currently the bibliographic record will be hidden in the OPAC, if all linked items are hidden by criteria defined in OpacHiddenItems. This patch adds a new system preference OpacHiddenItemsHidesRecord that allows to control this behavior making it possible to show the record, even if all items are hidden
[22752] Show item-level hold details for patrons when logged into their account
This enhancement to the OPAC shows a logged in patron what item a hold was placed on, for item-level holds (“Item on hold: ” is added after the title).
[21260] Improve the Availability line of OPAC XSLT search results
This adds system preference Reference_NFL_Statuses that allows you to define the not for loan statuses that you want to be reported as Available for reference on the OPAC results display (XSLT based).
And in the OPAC
[15986] Add a script for sending hold waiting reminder notices
A new notice: HOLD_REMINDER and a new cron job! This will allow you to send patrons reminder notices about holds that have not been picked up yet.
Read more by Donna Bachowski